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  • office29852

Today marks day 1

Weight: 9stone 10

This time I have decided to take notes throughout the first round so I remember for next time. I remember getting through my previous rounds over the past 4 years, but the details I have obviously chosen to forget. Each round, my plan is to recap from the previous. Hopefully it won't be too bad, but at least I will be able to say, I got through it once, I can get through it again.

First bag just starting and I kid you not, within 10 minutes I have the hot flushes already. Like a wave, rolling over you. I have asked the nurse if they can put the air conditioning on for me, but she said no because the second bag makes you really sensitive to the cold. Oddly, just had a flashback to leaving Guys Cancer Care unit two years ago and having the wind gust into my face and it literally took my breath away. Oxaliplatin can make you more sensitive to cold, which can cause numbness, tingling, and muscle spasms. This includes exposure to cold temperature and coming into contact with cold objects. It particularly affects my throat and it goes into spasm if the cold hits me or if I have a cold drink. Bloody luke warm water now for the next 6 months. Ooh note to self, get my heated gloves out of storage.

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